You give me a mighty place on earth, yet take no responsibility to help me keep my home intact.. What has happened of my house? Where are all my lush green carpets? Where are all my flower pots, of roses and pansies and lilies? You have taken it.. taken it all.. I don't have a marble floor, I find comfort on uncarved, unpolished rocks. I don't mind getting my feet dirty from the soft, wet soil that my mother has offered to me.. You have ruined it.. taken it all from me and my parents..
Where are all my wooden doors and windows and furniture, of teak and sal and rosewood? My simple, yet serene green curtains that let the rays of the morning sun bring light and glory to my house? What happened to my roof, of bamboo shoots and twigs and barks of the dying flora? I can't find the drums and barrels of water that I used to drink from.. I can't find anything left for me in my own house.. You have taken it all for your children and your family..
Mom and dad haven't returned from the hunt.. It has been two days and I have no food to eat.. I have no aunts and uncles or cousins to go to.. I have looked high and low, but find none of my brethren. Where are they? I am too young to know, but I have this feeling.. You have taken them too, away from me... and my brothers and sisters.. I love them.. and miss them all.. I am all alone, and there is nobody I can turn to now..
Dad always told me "It's a big bad world out there.. Never give up..". Mom was my epitome of Love.. I have tried enough.. I never meant vengeance.. I was just looking for love and harmony.. But now, I find there is nothing left for me to do, but Quit.. I have given up.. I cannot take it any more.. Let me rest.. I am tired, really tired... .. "
Pic - Ad Campaign in TOI